Healthy Habits To Fuel Your Holiday Hustle
/HUSTLE AND BUSTLE #holidayhustle
Happy Holidays!
You’ve probably got a lot going on this holiday season. The preparation often becomes overwhelming, the food is so good it’s hard to stop eating and stress shows up during the happiest time of the year. So, here’s a couple simple tips to keep you healthy and hustling all season long.
Drink More Water
First thing is first, water intake is a huge factor in your health and well-being. Instead of reaching for your third cup of coffee, chug a glass of water for extra energy. Water keeps us going and the benefits of being hydrated will keep you feeling refreshed each day.
Even mild-hydration can take a toll on your body. Alissa Rumsey, RD, spokesperson for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics said "mild dehydration is often masked as feelings of hunger, when really your body just needs fluids.” Her suggestion? “Prevent it by staying on top of your fluid intake, starting with a glass of water first thing in the morning," advises Rumsey. "If you feel hungry, and you haven't drank much that day, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 15 to 20 minutes to see if your hunger subsides."
2. Exercise Adventures
When we hit 2020 and people are motivated with new resolutions, gyms are full of positive runners on treadmills and ellipticals. Doesn’t going outside for a walk with your family after your Christmas Eve dinner sound merrier? If you’re visiting family, take time to plan active adventures that will be good for your heart in more ways than one. You could go snowboarding with your little bro, a bike ride with your dad even though it’s a bit chill outside or find the nearest iceskating rink when the family blow up is happening and let them know you’re out for 30 min to go do you.
Or buy these Versace Dumbbells so you’ll have no excuses not to get physical.
3. Healthy Snacks
LOVIDIA is on a mission to help people embrace positive lifestyle changes to achieve long-term, sustainable good health. I loved trying the LOVIDIA Way Low-Carb Bundle. It’s an amazing assortment of low net-carb choices that are high in fiber, protein and healthy fats. The ingredients were so nutritious and simple in each and every item.
My initial excitement? All 16 items in the bundle were vegetarian! Good for you, good for the earth and a good way to satisfy your hunger with healthy snacks while waiting at the airport, running late for a meeting or sneaking a couple bites before dinner.
The LOVIDIA Way Low-Carb Bundle is a great way to sample healthy, low-carb snacks. The big bundle allows you to taste delicious items and find favorites like these amazing FG Sharp Cheddar Crackers.
The LOVIDIA Way Low-Carb Bundle: FG Sharp Cheddar Crackers
Here’s a peek at some of my other favorites and you can snack the healthy way with The LOVIDIA Way Low-Carb Bundle for $29 plus take 10% off by using the promo code ALLISONGAPPA at Check out LOVIDIA’s other healthy lifestyle products at
Invest in your health this holiday whether it’s finally getting eight hours of sleep every night, taking a mental health day or seeing a counselor for the first time. And of course, drink more water, make adventures exercising and choose healthy snacks that fuel your holiday hustle.